Join us in Downtown Cheney for our Annual Cheney Rodeo Parade and Downtown Events!
Live Music and Vendors: 9am-1pm
The parade route is along 1st Street, it starts at K St. and ends on Cocolalla St.
A link to our parade application is below.
Entry Deadline is July 8th
No Fee For Private, Community, Royalty, or Non-Profit Entries
Community Entries are no charge and HIGHLY Encouraged!
$50 Fee For Business Entries
Online Parade Entry Form:
(see the "Forms" page for a printable version)
Dallas Kay Music will be live on stage (on first street Between Ree Creations and Wild Bills Longbar) from 9:00 am to 10:30am. Parade Starts at 10:30am
Vendors will be in the Cheney Federal Credit Union Parking lot and on College Ave. from 9:00am to 1:00pm
Kids"Sawdust Dig" Sponsored by J&M Fabrication following the end of the Parade in front of the announcers stage
Parade Vendor Registration:
Deadline for Registration is Friday June 27th at midnight